Posts by 

Aaftab Khan

Business Building

Registering a Trademark: How Much Does It Cost?

A guide for estimating the cost of a single trademark and its maintenance.
Company Culture & Management

Getting through your first few years as a startup founder

How to survive and succeed in the world of small businesses.
Business Building

Innovator vs. Entrepreneur: Which one are you?

This is why being an entrepreneur does not necessarily mean you are an innovator.
Company Culture & Management

Is it time to form your dream team?

Does your startup need an advisory board to succeed?
Business Building

Securing funding from angel investors

What is an angel investor, and how do you get one to support your startup?
Company Culture & Management

Bickering in your business: Part Three

How to avoid conflict altogether.
Business Building

Why you should bootstrap your startup

How much should you personally invest in your business?
Business Building

Answers to all of your pressing EIN questions

The legal importance of an EIN for your business

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